Stats agent for Linux claymore, ccminer, dstm. Open source MIT license.
gunzip stats-agent-2.1.tar.gz
tar xvf stats-agent-2.1.tar
configure your cloud stats agent by editing settings.json
start the agent with
python &
view real-time stats at
System Requirements
Linux, Python
Miners: DSTM, EWBF, CCminer, Claymore
License Open Source. MIT
contact us at
Nofee Nvidia Mining OS Mine ETC, ETHW on a Turnkey Pendrive
Easy Boot from USB Flash drive. No Drivers to Install.
Premium Version 77
No Fee - Unlimited Rigs
Nvidia updated jul 2022 with Phoenix Miner
(Claymore replacement)
In addition to ETHW you can mine **ETCHash** for mining ETC, **Ubqhash** for
mining UBQ, **ProgPOW** for mining BCI, and **dual mining**
Ethash/ETCHash/Ubqhash with **Blake2s**.