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Enable Private DNS using for Firefox

Manually Enabling and disabling DNS-over-HTTPS

You can enable or disable DoH in your Firefox connection settings:

Click the menu button Fx57Menu and select Preferences.

In the General panel, scroll down to Network Settings and click the Settingsā€¦ button.

In the dialog box that opens, scroll down to Enable DNS over HTTPS.

On: Select the Enable DNS over HTTPS checkbox. Select a provider or set up a custom provider.

Off: Deselect the Enable DNS over HTTPS checkbox. toggle doh

Click OK to save your changes and close the window.

Switching providers

Click the menu button Fx57Menu and select Preferences.

Scroll down to Network Settings and click the Settingsā€¦ button.

Click the drop-down under Enable DNS over HTTPS to select a provider.

change dns provider


Step 1: Type about:config in the URL bar and press Enter to access Firefox's hidden configuration panel. Here users will need to enable and modify three settings.

Step 2: The first setting is network.trr.mode. This turns on DoH support. This setting supports four values:

0 - Default value in standard Firefox installations (currently is 5, which means DoH is disabled)
1 - DoH is enabled, but Firefox picks if it uses DoH or regular DNS based on which returns faster query responses
2 - DoH is enabled, and regular DNS works as a backup
3 - DoH is enabled, and regular DNS is disabled
5 - DoH is disabled

Choose A value of 2

Step 3:

The second setting that needs to be modified is network.trr.uri. This is the URL of the DoH-compatible DNS server where Firefox will send DoH DNS queries. By default, Firefox uses Cloudflare's DoH service located at However, users can use their own DoH server URL. For example

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