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Bitcoin Cash Offline Wallet

Test with small amounts, this software is provided with no warranty.
Nothing is sent to our server, all code is run locally in your browser.
Open source MIT code can be downloaded and run in an air-gapped computer.

Based on code from, outcast3k, api 1BEz7cUYfis4NkZ35zLtfp12iaFRf4EoFm

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Why Offline Bitcoin Cash ?

Computer security is hard. Physical security is much easier to accomplish.

Using Offline Bitcoin allows you to store your wealth securely in an offline vault. Your own vault that you control physically.

You can transfer needed amounts to online wallets on your phone or computer. Bitcoin is just like cash, you should only carry around spending money.

What is an Offline Bitcoin Cash Transaction ?

An offline Bitcoin transaction is signed with a computer that is not connected to the internet (or any network). Assuming the installation process was secure, the offline computer can not be reached by hackers.

To create a Bitcoin payment the offline machine creates a Bitcoin transaction. It can be carried by an USB flash disk or QR code to an online machine. From there it can be broadcast normally to the Bitcoin Network.

Your private key never touches the Internet. Maximum Security. Bitcoin Cold Storage.

  • Step one get your Balance Data for your Input Bitcoin Cash Address.
    Old format address i.e. 1BEz7cUYfis4NkZ35zLtfp12iaFRf4EoFm

  • Step two enter your Output Bitcoin Cash Address

  • Step three sign with your Private Key

  • Broadcast to the Bitcoin Cash Network and you are done!

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    Bitcoin Cash Offline Wallet . Docs . White-Label DEX . Offline BTC .

    Offline ETH . Prices . Buy Crypto . Exchange . Bitcoin Apps