NFT Artwork Storage Options

All NFTs have an ID that uniquely identifies them, For all time :)
The URL is just for extra data really and can be backed up in 
different ways.

The artwork image can point to a URL on your server or IPFS.
Aditionally you can add a provenance signature at mint time that will 
also be embedded in the blockchain. 

- Storing NFT Images on your own Server / Domain

Advantages are 
- You have full control of the json files and images
- Easy free backup and version control from (forever-ish)
- Should anybody issue a DMCA takedown on your NFT image 
  you will be notified promptly to be able to resolve the issue

- You must commit to host the files for a long time
  though is your friend

- Storing NFT Images on IPFS

Advantages are
- ipfs provides a CDN for you
- ipfs automatically ads a unique seed (signature)

Dis-advantages are
- You still need to host the ipfs file, or pay for pinning
- Should you lose the image seed the NFT image may be lost
- NFT image serving speed is lower
- Main ipfs gateways could block your images as they honor DMCA takedowns
  you may not be notified at all should that happen
- will not have access to your files

NFT-Art-Generator Software for Windows, Mac

for Node