. . VPN Ad Blocker


Privacy AdBlock VPN . $NOAD . OSX . Win . Android . iPhone . Business

Setting up OpenVPN on Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP using OpenVPN GUI

OpenVPN for Windows Download Here (openvpn.net)

32-Bit Version (Win 7, Vista) Download Here (openvpn.net)

Download a configuration file for BA.net AdBlock VPN server

Run OpenVPN GUI:

Make a right-click on OpenVPN GUI icon in the tray, then "Import file" and choose banet-adblock.ovpn file to import VPN connection configuration to the application.

Connect to VPN server:


It's better to show OpenVPN GUI icon everytime. So make a right-click on an arrow in the tray, choose "Customize notification icons" and set "Show icon and notifications" for OpenVPN application.

Privacy AdBlock VPN . $NOAD . OSX . Win . Android . iPhone . Business

FAQ . Config Help . OSX . Windows . iPhone . Android . Tools . About . Privacy and ToS

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