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Truco Uruguayo . Argentina . Brasil . Venezuela . Ayuda

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Como Jugar al Truco

El truco es el más popular juego de cartas españolas jugado en Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile y toda latinoamérica...originario de Valencia, España.

El juego consta de 40 cartas españolas (Se le han quitado 8,9 y comodines). Las cartas tienen una jerarquía determinada, y sólo pueden ganarle a una carta de menor jerarquía (En caso de empate gana el jugador que es mano, es decir quien ha comenzado la ronda).

Además, las cartas tienen un puntaje determinado, que es empleado en el envido. El puntaje de una carta coincide con su valor nominal excepto para los diez, los onces, y los doces. El valor de estas tres cartas es cero. A ese valor nominal se le suma el valor 20. El máximo valor en los tantos de un envido es 33.

El truco es el desafío en la jerarquía de las cartas. El orden es el siguiente:

1 - As de espada (Ancho de espada)
2 - As de basto (Ancho de basto)
3 - Siete de espada
4 - Siete de oro
5 - todos los Tres
6 - todos los Dos
7 - Ases o Anchos falsos (Copa y Oro)
8 - Reyes
9 - Caballos
10 - Sotas
11 - Los otros sietes (Copa y Bastos)
12 - Seises
13 - Cincos
14 - Cuatros

El "truco" vale 2 puntos, el "retruco" vale 3 puntos y el "vale cuatro", 4 puntos. Se puede responder con "quiero", con "no se quiere" o se puede "revirar" o "subir", es decir, aumentar los puntos en disputa respondiendo con la apuesta del siguiente nivel. Sólo puede revirar el receptor del desafío. En caso de decir "no se quiere", la ronda se considera finalizada.

Truco is a variant of Truc and a popular trick-taking card game originally from Valencia and Balearic Islands (Spain) and played in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Italy (in Piemonte, in Lomellina, and a particular variant in the towns Porto San Giorgio, Sirolo, Numana, Porto Recanati, Potenza Picena (Marche) and Paulilatino (Sardegna) ), Uruguay, southern Chile and Venezuela. It is played using a Spanish deck, by two, four or six players, divided into two teams.

Truco is a loud and lively game, which is widely played in South America, usually as a partnership game for four players, playing counter-clockwise. There are significant differences between the forms of Truco played in different countries and regions. Detailed rules for some versions are given on the pages for Argentinean Truco, Brazilian Truco and Uruguayan Truco.

Truco is descended from the simpler game Truc, which is played in parts of Spain and Southern France. Each player is dealt three cards, which are played out in tricks. In some versions, before the tricks are played points are also scored for holding combinations of cards in the same suit. Players can bet to increase the scores, both for the tricks and for combinations. The bluffing, talking and joking that goes with this are an important part of the game.

Truco is normally played with a 40-card Spanish or French suited pack, lacking 10's, 9's and 8's, or a subset of this pack. The basic ranking of the cards is, from high to low, 3-2-A-pictures-7-6-5-4, but in most versions some special cards are promoted to rank above the threes.

Argentina Spanish suited cards are used, and there are four cartas bravas ranking above the threes: the aces of swords and batons and the sevens of swords and coins. Points are scores for flor, if a player's three cards are all the same suit. If no one has a flor, the best two cards or single card of a suit score for envido. Finally the truco point is scored by the side than wins more tricks.

Uruguay This differs from the Argentinean game in that a card is turned after the deal to choose a special suit, the muestra, and the 2, 4, 5, horse and jack of this suit become the highest cards for trick-taking, ranking above the normal cartas bravas. These five special cards of the muestra suit also act as wild cards when making combinations for flor and envido. There are further details on the Uruguayan Truco page.