. . VPN Ad Blocker


Privacy AdBlock VPN . $NOAD . OSX . Win . Android . iPhone . Business

Setting up AdBlock Speed VPN - BA.net on iOS Devices

Install the Appp OpenVPN Connect. howto
Download the .ovpn profile from the BA.net AppStore App

Content Blocking in iOS 9 requires a 64 bit device, so the older devices iPad 2, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c are not supported.

You can use iPad Air, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus

  • Install the BA.net Adblock App

  • Go to Settings, Safari, Content Blockers

  • Enable / Disable BA.net AdBlock

  • New iOS 9 BA.net PRO Whole Network Content Blocker ($10.99 per year)

    Privacy AdBlock VPN . $NOAD . OSX . Win . Android . iPhone . Business

    FAQ . Config Help . OSX . Windows . iPhone . Android . Tools . About . Privacy and ToS

    BA.net/adblockvpn . . . . BA.net - AdBlock Split Speed VPN for Mobile iPhone iOS Android Save Data Usage content filter tracking profiling openvpn blinkt tunnelblick pptp malware protection business security library campus school cybercafe cipa affordable easy alternative for legacy cisco vpn umbrella webtitan barracuda fortinet sonicwall sophos untangle managed pihole vpn adblock-speed-vpn-iphone adblock@ba.net