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DNS Leak Test -- IP Geo Lookup -- Cloud Office -- Network Tools

DNS Leak Test

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Transparent DNS proxies

Some ISP's are now using a technology called 'Transparent DNS proxy'. Using this technology, they will intercept all DNS lookup requests (TCP/UDP port 53) and transparently proxy the results. This effectively forces you to use their DNS service for all DNS lookups.

If you have changed your DNS settings to use an 'open' DNS service such as Google, Comodo or OpenDNS, expecting that your DNS traffic is no longer being sent to your ISP's DNS server, you may be surprised to find out that they are using transparent DNS proxying. You can easily test this by clicking on the dns leak test button on the homepage. If your ISP implements a transparent DNS proxy it is very important that you use one of the methods on the dns leak fix page to ensure that when you are connected to the VPN, there is no chance of your requests being intercepted.

What do the results of this test mean?

The servers identified above receive a request to resolve a domain name (e.g. www.eff.org) to an IP address everytime you enter a website address in your browser.

The owners of the servers above have the ability to associate your personal IP address with the names of all the sites you connect to and store this data indefinitely. This does not mean that they do log or store it indefinitely but they may and you need to trust whatever their policy says.

If you are connected to a VPN service and ANY of the servers listed above are not provided by the VPN service then you have a DNS leak and are choosing to trust the owners of the above servers with your private data.

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