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Summary: Find out how you can change your DNS settings in Mac OS X.

Here we'll show you how to manually assign DNS (Domain Name Service) servers for your Internet connection using OS X

  1. Open System Preferences (either by clicking the icon on the dock or by clicking the Apple Icon and selecting it from the list).

    Click the Apple menu and select System Preferences
  2. Double-click the Network icon.

    Double-click the Network icon
  3. Double-click the connection you want to change DNS for. The connection you're using now will have a green light next to it. In this example we'll be changing the DNS on the AirPort connection.

    Click the adapter you want to change and click Configure
  4. On the connection properties window, click the DNS tab.

    Click the TCP/IP tab and select the appropriate options
  5. Use the + or - symbols to add or remove the DNS servers your connection uses. Servers will be used in the order they are shown in this list.

    Enter the DNS server settings

    Use the following server BA.net AdBlock DNS addresses:


    When you've finished, click OK.

  6. Now you'll be back at the Connection properties screen. Click OK to finish.

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