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Setting up AdBlock BA.net on Android TV devices

How to Set up OpenVPN on Android TV

You’ll need the OpenVPN app (which you can get from the Play Store)

You will need the BA.net certificate file. Put it on a pendrive or sd card to copy to the android TV

With everything installed and ready to go, fire up Chrome and log in to your

You’ll need to download your configuration file, which will be in a different place on every VPN’s site.

With the file downloaded, go and head fire up OpenVPN. This app isn’t really designed to be used with a non-touch interface, so it’s a little wonky to use with a remote or controller.

Using your Android TV’s remote (or game controller, if available), click on the little box with the down arrow in the upper right corner. This is the import button.

Select the configuration file you previously downloaded. After it loads, navigate over to the checkmark in the upper right corner and select it to save the config.

To enable your VPN, highlight the file you just imported and click on it.

Once everything is entered here, click OK. It should authenticate and connect.

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